Pet Visits
From $30
Pets can stay in their own home – ideal for dogs, cats and other pets that are able to cope with loving care through a visit once or twice a day.
A walk can be included in one of the visits for dogs. Visits are usually minimum 20 mins or one hour, if a half hour walk is included.
Length of visits can be adapted however, to suit your individual pets needs.
A Free No Obligation Consultation is included to give you an opportunity to meet the Pet Carer. If you feel comfortable with how the Pet Carer has interacted with you and your pets, a Booking Form can be completed at the consultation, which will include details of your pets.
Pet Sitting
From $65
Pet Sitting is overnight care of your pets in your home
It gives a large amount of contact time for your pets with a Pet Carer. It is especially suitable for inside pets and pets that require a high level of human interaction.
It has found to be the least stressful for your pets as your pets are in their own environment and as Pet Carers we can give them a high level of love and affection that they are used to from you the owners overnight and in the morning.
A walk is included in the care of your dog/s
The care commences at 5pm and finishes the next morning at 8.30am (This is open to change if required). If necessary, a visit can be done half way through the absence of the Pet Carer.
Pet Home Boarding
From $78
This care is in a Pet Carer’s home.
Your dogs can be inside as often as they are used to in your home.
Pet Carers have a safe, fully enclosed back yard.
Your pets receive a high level of care, time and attention from the Pet Carer during their stay. Pet Carers do go out as required through the day, but not for more than 2 or 3 hours at a time. Your pets needs would be taken into consideration if that would be an issue.
There would be only up to 2 families of dogs cared for by the Pet Carer at the one time. Careful screening of pets would be done to ensure that the pets involved are compatible, prior to care. Knowledge of the pets and how they interact with other dogs would be discussed with the owners and if possible, a meeting of owners and dogs at the Pet Carer’s home, to ensure compatibility. Individual care of pets will be still available, as required.
Day Boarding
From $20/hr
If you wish your dog to not be home all day by themselves, Day Boarding is ideal. Up to 2 families of dogs would be cared for at a time, and careful consideration given to compatibility of dogs.
Care can be up to 8 hours per day or per hour if you wish.
A half hour walk is included in the care of your dogs.
Pets can be inside as often as they wish.
Puppy care (up to 6 months) is also available.
Regular Dog Walking
From $28/half hr
This is a great way to get your dogs out of their home/backyards, to exercise and smell some new smells and have a change of scenery. Dogs love seeing their Pet Carer arrive to have that human affection given to them too.
It also breaks up the day for pets.
Sometimes it is not possible to find the time to walk your dogs as regularly as you would like, due to work or family commitments.
It could be a temporary time required to walk your dogs that due to illness or recovery from an operation, you need some assistance.
Fresh water is given to your dogs after each walk.
Pet Transportation
From $35
This is a service we offer to our clients when you may not be able to take your pets to a groomer or a Veterinary appointment.
Sometimes it may be that you do not drive yourself anymore, so we can take both you and your pets to a Vet or another appointment and take you home after the appointment.
If you are having Pet Home Boarding for your pets, it can be more convenient and time saving to have the Pet Carer caring for them to pick up your pets soon after you leave and drop off your pets to your home a few hours before you arrive back from your holiday.
Useful Information
A Free No Obligation consultation prior to booking care will be at your home (Pet Visits or Pet Sitting) and at the Pet Carer’s Home (Pet Home Boarding or Day Boarding). We understand it is important to know the property is suitable and that you feel confident that the Pet Carer has a loving affectionate rapport with your pets.
Distance travelled for care – pet visits and pet sitting
4km allowed one way for each Visit or Pet Sitting
For any distance over 4km one way, there is a Travel Surcharge of up to $1 per km each Visit or Day
Public Holiday Surcharge
Christmas Day & Good Friday $30
Other Public Holidays $20
Christmas and Easter Long Weekend Care
Deposit of 20% of fee required at the time of booking care for all clients – Visits, Pet Sitting and 50% for Pet Home Boarding
Cancellation of Care 30 days notice required for Christmas Holidays and 7 days notice for the Easter Long Weekend. If adequate notice given, the deposit received will be kept as a credit for future care. If inadequate notice is given, the deposit will be kept as a Cancellation Fee.
Terms of Payment for all care
Balance owing of Fees to be paid at least 2 working days prior to commencement of care.
Payment can be made by Direct Credit Via Internet Banking, Cash or Cheque
Cancelled Care Policy – for other than pet home boarding
Minimum 24 hrs notice required. Payment received kept as a credit for future care. With PHB 2 weeks notice is required. If less than 2 weeks notice with PHB deposit will be a Cancellation Fee.
1. Select Your Service
We offer Pet Visits, Pet Sitting, Pet Home Boarding, Day Boarding, Regular Dog Walking and Pet Transportation.
2. Check out our Fees
Our fees are very reasonable and we have a range of services. Be sure to download our price list. Please enquire if you have any special requirements.
3. Book Online or Call Us
Contact us direct on 0438 853 238 or fill out our online booking form.
4. Confirm Booking and Payment
Tracy’s will confirm your booking and payment.
5. Relax
Our friendly Pet Carers will take care of the rest.